Angled vs Straight Spotting Scope

Experienced people, who have been working for a while, can tell you for a fact which spotting scope works better than the other. A telescope for beginners sake is an enhanced small telescope that is powerful enough to enable you to observe details of objects even from a distance. If you have ever come across tourists or skygazers, you will definitely see them using this kind of thing. Now that is a spotting scope. As the name suggests, hunters make the most of this tool by spotting animals in the woods. It goes a long way in helping you zoom in animals that are too far away from you.

There are two common types of spotting scopes in the market today: angled and straight spotting scopes. Straight scopes are designed in such a way that the objective lens is right in front of the eyepiece. Angled scope on the other hand, comprises a fixed eyepiece that can be rotated in different directions.

Both angled and straight scopes have advantages and disadvantages. While some people might love to go with the straight one, other hunters think that angled is the best. Now join me in this article as we demystify the myth behind every scope. We also take a quick look at bothe the disadvantages and advantages of each. So, stay tuned.

Angled vs straight spotting scope

While binoculars have great magnification capability of between 6-10x, spotting scopes are way more than that. In fact, today that they are the best is understatement. They are absolutely incredible. That way, they can never disappoint when watching or zooming at some animals.

Angled Spotting Scope Overview

The reason it is called angled scope is due to the fact that it is designed with its scope bending towards the eyepiece. That means you can easily adjust the angle with its curve. As a result your hunting endeavor is made productive and much easier.

Unlike straight scope which cannot be tilted in situations where you want to look up on a large hill or mountain, the curve in the angled spotting scopes allow you to do that easily.

Advantages of Angled Scope

1.    Looking up is more convenient and relaxed.

This scope makes it easier to zoom in greater details on things that are far away and even the ones on higher grounds. By tilting it to whatever angle you want you can pretty much view a lot from where you are.

2.    They don’t have to be as far up.

They work quite well with shorter tripods. That way you won’t need to carry a lot of heavy stuff in your pack back.

3.    A lower tripod is more stable in wind

It comes with a lower tripod that is designed to be strong enough to withstand strong wind blows. Unlike standard scopes which can barely withstand the presence of steadily blowing wind, angled scopes are more stable and strong. Hunting with them in windy conditions is equally rewarding as you would in calm environments.

4.    More comfortable for prolonged observation.

While hunting animals that rarely walk out or live in caves and holes, you will need to watch over them for an extended period of time. This might lead to neck craning and fatigue. To avoid such you need nothing more than an angled spotting scope. It is pretty comfortable even when you are seated.

5.    Easier to use without a tripod

You do not have to buy a tripod at all. If you have a backpack, then that is what you can get started with . By laying the bag, you can place the spotting scope on top and zooming in like nobody’s business.

6.    Better for astronomical uses

You are lucky to have this tool if you are an astrologer. Their magnification power besides the fact that it can be tilted at different angles makes it the perfect tool for observing the sky.

Straight Spotting Scope Overview

If you have seen how telescopes look, then straight spotting scope is pretty much similar to it in design. Both of them are straight. Unlike angled spotting scopes you cannot tilt straight scope. If you have to see things on higher grounds, then the only thing you need to tilt is your neck or the tripod stand.

Advantages of Straight Scopes

  1. Easy to use

 Straight scopes are the simplest to use. It makes zooming and viewing of distant objects a breeze.

  1.  Faster target identification and tracking

The fact that  they are more easier to use, makes finding it quicker and therefore  easier to get and follow the target by using a straight spotting scope. Since you are still looking in the same direction, it’s simple to look up from the scope, use your naked eye, and then return to the scope without having to step away from the target.

  1. It is easier to switch from binoculars to scope

For experienced hunters using both binoculars and spotting scopes is a norm.  Normally, they make use of binoculars in terrain places and spotting scopes in other places. So, there is a need for them to keep switching them time and again. If you are that kind of person, then having a straight scope is not a bad idea at all.

  1. It has Sheltered Eyepiece

To protect it from rain, snow, mud and ashes, this scope is made with a   small cup shaped element that  is naturally provided in order to protect the eyepiece of the angled scope. Although it is possible to   cover it with a piece of cloth or hat, that is not a good idea as it might hinder your vision and tracking.

  1. Easier to pack

You do not need to worry about where to place your straight spotting scope. It fits in pretty much any type of a bag.

  1. Easy to look downwards

Whereas  an angled scope makes it simpler  to look  upwards, a straight scope on the other hand  makes it possible to look  downwards.


Scopes are useful in hunting solely due to its magnification capability. They help you see animals from a distance in great detail. As you might have realised, both angled scopes and straight ones are some of the types of spotting scopes that exist out there. While angled scopes are capable of being tilted in different angles, straight scopes cannot be tilted at all. However,  when it comes to usage, it is not a secret that straight spotting scope is much easier to use compared to angled scopes.

Choosing the best scope for your hunting or whatever thing you want to do is sometimes  difficult. However, we are sure  that this article has cleared things up and given you adequate understanding of the difference between angled and straight scope. So, depending on what you want, you are free to choose whichever you like.

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