
How To Make Tracer Rounds

how do tracer rounds work

Do you want to make your next shooting experience more exciting? In this post, I will show you how to make your own tracer rounds. Tracers are a type of round that burns brightly and leaves a long-lasting streak in its path. They are often used for signaling across large distances or as an aid … Read more

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How To Make Binary Trigger

how to make binary trigger

You may be wondering if there is a firearm accessory to allow you to shoot your semiautomatic faster.  Of course, there is a device; a binary trigger will enable you to fire faster.  You will realize some guns come with binary triggers installed while others don’t have. So, don’t panic if your firearm doesn’t. Some … Read more

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What Are The Benefits To Hunting?

“There’s an absolute surety to the hands-on conservation lifestyle of hunting, fishing and trapping where you know you’re going to consume today.” -Ted Nugent When you think about hunting you think about recreational fun, putting healthy food on your table and well spent time out with the guys, yet the benefits are much more in depth … Read more

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How to Install Muzzle Brake

how to install muzzle break

We all know that the strength, performance and durability of anything or anybody are directly proportional to the quality of the basic units of which they are formed. The same phenomenon applies to the firearms also. Like most of the hi-tech gadgets, these arms are also composing of a number of small, complex but indispensable … Read more

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How to Use a Scope for Long Range Shooting?


People who own rifles generally require a scope as well. The scope helps you have a better aim at your target, especially from a long distance.When you mount a scope onto your rifle gun, you can peep through the optics and have a magnified visual of your target.This makes it easier for you to aim. … Read more

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