
How to use Nikon BDC scope

how to adjust nikon bdc scope

A BDC reticle scope with low magnification is one of the best optical to pair with a practical carbine based on experience. In order to work, BDC scopes utilize a reticle pattern that forecasts to what extent a bullet will drop at a given range. The technique is demonstrated in the reticle through numerous aiming … Read more

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How To Install A Bipod On A Rifle

how to install a bipod on a rifle

Do you know what a bipod is? A bipod is a detachable device mounted on weapons to help the gun holder have extra support and make the gun or rifle, in this case, steady. The device gives the weapon additional support using a two axes motion design that can either be up to down and … Read more

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How To Hunt Coyotes

how to hunt coyotes

Coyotes are amazingly intelligent creatures with sharp vision and an excellent sense of smell. Hunting them is quite possibly the most exciting encounter of a tracker’s lifetime. In case you’re hunting to protect your domesticated animals and your property or for coyotes’ pelts, the strategies remain the same. It would help if you considered what … Read more

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How to Preserve a Squirrel Tail

best way to preserve a squirrel tail

Squirrels are interesting animals that happen to be part of rodents’ family. All over the world there are over 200 different types of squirrels.  While some squirrels prefer to live underground, others normally live especially on top of trees. Given that they live on the tops of trees, it’s no surprise that they have incredible … Read more

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How to Attract Hogs

how to attract hogs fast

At first glance you might mistake hogs for pigs. Both of them share almost similar characteristics. The only major difference that exists between them is that a pig is domesticated while hogs are wild animals. It makes more sense to call them wild pigs. They are very sensitive animals that are capable of detecting any … Read more

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