
Best Adjustable Gas Block Review in 2023 – New Edition

Adjustable Gas Block review

One of the most underappreciated components of a gun is the gas block. But there are actually some important aspects—like recoil and carbon build-up—which you can control or adjust by its presence. And this can be an incredible and effective upgrade for your firearm without even breaking the bank. Surely, it will integrate a lot … Read more

Categories  Shooting

5 Best Hand Priming Tool Review in 2023 – New Edition

All weapon aficionados appreciate the importance of efficiently reloading cases, and how much of a financial relief these tools afford. If you’re new at this, then the concept of priming may be foreign to you. In case you’re stocking up on your equipment, then you should consider adding this to the list of things to … Read more

Categories  Shooting

Best Retro Rifles Review in 2023 – New Edition

Best Retro Rifles

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE) classifies a rifle as “Curios & Relics” if they are manufactured at least 50 years earlier from the current date. These classic and retro rifles are a sought after addition to any gun enthusiast’s collection. But they don’t come at a cheap price. Fortunately, this rising … Read more

Categories  Shooting

EOTech Holographic Sight Review in 2023 – New edition

Best EOTech Holographic Sight

If you want to successfully hit your target with accuracy, then you need a holographic sight to help you out with your plan. Even if you have lots of guns, there’s no use if you can’t locate your target, especially from a long distance.  Having a holographic sight attached to your gun is a good … Read more

Categories  Shooting

Holosun 507C Review in 2023 – New edition


Every gun user has had challenges in hitting the bull’s eye whether it be in competitions or hunting activities. This requires a good amount of accuracy that comes with practice, and it can also be affected by the weapons and accessories you use. One way to improve accuracy is by installing a dot sight on … Read more

Categories  Shooting